The longest journey begins with a single step - Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching

Sunday, August 20, 2006


What exactly attracts us to certain people? Have you ever wondered why someone is on your mind? Or have you questioned a friend about their interest to which they answer, "there's just something about them". So, what exactly is this something?

Is it purely genetics? Studies have shown that facial symmetry could be a tell-tale sign for beauty. Beauty may project good health as the evolutionary drive to self preserve and produce healthy offspring play a role in choosing a mate. Science has also pointed out that pheromones are a factor for attraction. Can scent be a reason why we crush on someone? I pity the fool who falls for the scent of an air freshener then. *wink*

So, is "having chemistry" all there is to attraction or can it just simply be a feeling you get from catching someone's eye and seeing them smile? And that very good feeling that comes from thinking that perhaps that smile was put on there by you.

Gosh, this whole attraction thing is confusing. :) I'll have to remember all of this the next time one my friends points out their latest crush and I think to myself... gawd, what the bleep do they see in them? hehehe... =D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah! sometimes its one of things...where it just works and feels right.

there is no particular reason why...but it just works

8:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

To quote Eddie Izzard, "70% of what people react to is the look, you know, it's how you look; and 20% is about how you sound; and only 10% is what you say."

...okay, so that might not work in this case, but it's still funny ;p

10:57 AM


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