The longest journey begins with a single step - Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching

Sunday, July 30, 2006

writing once more

"In good writing, words become one with things" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I had forgotten how much I loved to write. How soothing and rewarding it can be to see my thoughts plucked from my heart and captured for my mind to read. They bicker, they do-- my heart and mind. A constant battle that tears at my soul. But as I humbly scribe their feelings down, they find the peace that they so seek which puts my soul at ease.

Recent events in my life have inspired me to start posting once more. I write for me. I write for you. I write for all that is good in this world. I am certainly no Emerson or even a speck of Maya Angelou, but I am sure they would agree that a writer is in all of us. Our thoughts are our words - no matter how simple or mundane. The greatest satisfaction comes from knowing that you may touch someone with your words if not only yourself. So, my fellow bloggers... write on, write on. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, I can comment!
It pleases me to no end, knowing you've picked up writing again. I look forward to enjoying more of your thoughts, packaged ever so gracefully as words on a page. They've always managed to bring a smile to my face. :)

12:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your writing is so deep in thought. I always enjoy reading whats on your mind (Good and Bad). It always touches many people that are fortunate to read it. Ok enough sucking up :P have a great day Mi. Remember "JA YO" haha

10:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you alot. Know that someone from the other side of the world cares for you. Love you lots.

3:10 AM


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